Board Meeting 5:00PM MST, Friday, May 7th, 2021

Attendees:  Ron Peters, Melinda Kuehl, Carolyn McLeod

Absent: Ernie Mowery, Rebecca Hurst

Meeting called to order at 5:13PM MST at Ron and Kerry Peter residence.

Melinda volunteered to take minutes in absence of Rebecca Hurst

Additions to Agenda: None

Approval of minutes: with noted changes: Motioned by Melinda, second by Carolyn

Treasurer’s Report: will be forwarded to board members, and brought to next meeting.

Ballot: Cover letter discussion was had of time length of the effectiveness of the new covenants. The new changes will be in effect for 25 years if approved with new changes, if voted to have covenants remain the same it will remain for 10 years, and if nothing is done it will remain another 10 years. Discussion of how the covenant committee did not discuss length of terms of new covenants. Review of current covenants was done to verify the length of time of covenant changes.

Board discussed of tabling ballot design till more time was spent by individual members and all members were present to be able to make cohesive decision on the ballot for mass effectiveness. Discussion was to meet following week depending on schedules of all board members to have full attendance and finalize ballot.

The process of opening of ballots was discussed where the ballots would be collected and opened in front of all attendees at the August 21, 2021 annual association meeting. Melinda brought up having a special envelope to return all ballots in so that ballots would remain closed till the meeting on August 21, 2021. A specific return address envelope will be added to envelope with ballots to make sure none are open that are mailed, and that there is the option for the land owners to hand carry ballot to annual meeting.

New Business: Email received from Lisa Schubbel for reimbursement for $38.50 for reimbursement of postage for the Covenant Committee mailing. Carolyn brought up there was an email that had been sent stating a donation was received to complete the mailing of the Covenant Committee Letter. Email was reviewed, showing where board members volunteered to mail out Covenant Committee Letter, which was denied as the Covenant Committee stated they had a land owner donation to complete the mailing. Melinda raised question of what happened to the donation as email for request from Lisa Schubbel did not mention what happened to donation. Carolyn motion to deny request. There was no second so motion died.

August 21st meeting location was then discussed for the Annual Association meeting. Cost for the Mueller Center is $110 while Chautauqua Park is only $20 rental fee. Carolyn Motioned to reserve Chautauqua Park and Melinda second.

Next meeting date/time is TBD and place will be at  Ron and Kerry Peters residence.

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