Pine  Shadows Special Board Meeting

                                                                         August 9, 2020


                Present: Ron Peters, Marilyn Milner, Jim Larsen, Carolyn Mcleod , and Deanne Reaser 

 1.           The Pine Shadows special board meeting was called to order by Ron at 3:00 pm at Ron

               Peters home.

2.              No agenda presented for special meeting.

3.              No secretary or treasure’s reports were presented.

4.           New Business:

          A. Ron called a special meeting of the board to address a complaint from a land owner.  The email

               complaint was read.  Discussion was held as to how the board will respond to the complaint. 

               In accordance with the covenants the complaint was investigated by Ron Peters and Jim Larsen.

               On two occasions the property in question was inspected with the lot owner present.  After

               surveying the lot  it was determined that there are no violations to the covenants.  The building

               material in question is  new material being used in construction of a garage.  The complaint also

               stated there were  unlicensed vehicles on the property.  After reviewing  the covenants, there is

               no requirement  for  vehicles to have a current registration.  Ron will compose a letter to be

               sent to the  complainants.  The board has addressed the issue as required by the covenants and

               having not  found any violations  any further action will be up to the parties involved.

           B. Post office box.  A land owner in the process of building on their lot inquired at the post office

               about getting a mail delivery box.  He was told that there aren’t any boxes left.  Marilyn will call

               the post office and verify if there are any open. According to our count we should still have two

               open boxes.  Discussion was held about presenting a request to add an additional tower of

               boxes for future residents. 

           C. Annual meeting election of officers update.  Three land owners have indicated that they would

                like to be considered for the board.  Those owners are Rebecca Hust, Ernie Mowry, and

                Melinda Kuehl.  Ballots will be distributed at the meeting and nominations from the floor can

                be added at the time of the meeting.

            D. Setting up for annual meeting.  Board members should arrive at 9:15 am to clean the tables

                and set up for the meeting.

    5.         Meeting adjournment.  Having no further business, Marilyn made a motion to adjourn the

                 meeting. Carolyn seconded the motion, and all were in favor.  The meeting was adjourned at

                 4:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted.

Marilyn Milner, secretary


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