AUGUST 21,2021


The meeting was called to order by previous president Ron Peters at 10:30am.  Present were the new board members, Daryl Roerick and Reta Tombaugh, Harold Mowery and Melinda Kuehl.  

There is no agenda other than to assign officer positions for the next year.  Melinda Kuehl agreed to be the president, Daryl Roerick will be the vice president, Reta Tombaugh will be the treasurer, Rebecca Hust will be the secretary, and Harold Mowry will be the member at large.

Ron listed several items that will need to be addressed by the new board. 

1)  Signature cards for writing checks must be signed at the bank. Melinda and Reta will be in charge of that.  

2) Harold will be in charge of retrieving the mail from the subdivision post office  box in town. Ron turned over the mail box key to him.

3) Someone will need to be in charge of updating the website addresses and posting the meeting minutes.  Daryl volunteered to be responsible for that. 

The next board meeting will be held on December 11, 2021 at 1pm at the Daryl Roerick residence.

Having no further items to discuss, Daryl made a motion to adjourn, Harold seconded the motion, and all voted in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Milner  

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